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de grote ik heb hier geen zin in show, jetse batelaan

De grote hier heb ik geen zin in show

Theater Artemis
  • 4+
  • theater

 A cheerful, absurdist performance about watching and being watched.

In this wordless performance for preschoolers, you’ll see unsuspecting people suddenly find themselves in the spotlight. When they think no one is watching, it turns out they are! In a time when extroverted people have the loudest voices, the shy individuals are put on stage here. They timidly emerge and work together with the audience towards an impressive finale. With panic in their eyes, you’ll see their heartfelt desire: to quickly return to the darkness, away from the spotlight! The Big I’m Not in the Mood Show is accompanied by The Show Orchestra of Theater Artemis, led by musician Keimpe de Jong.

More information about the creators:

Theater Artemis is a youth theater company from ‘s-Hertogenbosch. They create interactive and anarchistic theater. Theater that disrupts and is disrupted. Theater where audience and performance find each other in a shared state of confusion. Artemis offers the power to turn the world upside down. We create performances and art projects for all children who go to school and all the other people who remain.

“The strength of ‘De grote hier heb ik geen zin in show’ lies in its three actors: René van ’t Hof, Say Cadmus, and Guido Pollemans need nothing more than a glance or a sigh to express their discomfort.” – Theaterkrant

“It’s impressive how Theater Artemis manages to captivate both young and old.” – Brabants Dagblad

“Theater maker Jetse Batelaan knows how to make adult topics fun and relatable even for the youngest audience.” – de Volkskrant

“Artemis proves (…) that the young children in the audience can handle a hefty dose of absurdity just fine.” – Dagblad van het Noorden



Director Jetse Batelaan
Cast Sayo Cadmus, René van ‘t Hof, Guido Pollemans
Costumes Liesbet Swings
Music Keimpe de Jong
Lighting Bart van den Heuvel
Assistant Director Josephine Borst
Set Design Marjolijn Brouwer/Ruimtetijd
Photography Kurt van der Elst

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De grote hier heb ik geen zin in show

Theater Artemis
  • 4+
  • theater


  • Locatie:Het Huis Utrecht
  • Datum:22 juni
  • Tijd:15:00
  • Ticketprijs:€ 11,95/€ 18,95


Director Jetse Batelaan
Cast Sayo Cadmus, René van ‘t Hof, Guido Pollemans
Costumes Liesbet Swings
Music Keimpe de Jong
Lighting Bart van den Heuvel
Assistant Director Josephine Borst
Set Design Marjolijn Brouwer/Ruimtetijd
Photography Kurt van der Elst


  • Locatie:Het Huis Utrecht
  • Datum:22 juni
  • Tijd:15:00
  • Ticketprijs:€ 11,95/€ 18,95
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