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hetpaleis/Karolien Verlinden
  • 12+
  • theater

In today’s society, appearance matters more than ever, resulting in young people facing racism, fat shaming, sexism, and bullying more frequently. FRAMED aims to liberate our perspective on this issue with eight performers who share vulnerable details about the history of their bodies. They show how outward appearances only tell a fraction of who someone truly is. Through their words and movements, they depict a journey towards self-acceptance and pride. All set to the live music of an exclusive duo of musicians.

More about the creators:

Karolien Verlinden studied dance and choreography at the Rotterdam Dance Academy (CODARTS). She danced and performed in various productions by Meekers – Uitgesproken Dans, Keskiespace, Theatergroep Max, and Sermoen. At Meekers, she choreographed “De wassen neuzen show,” and at Theater de Spiegel, the performance “Mouw.”

hetpaleis is a performing arts house for young audiences that encourages children to engage with art as spectators, conversational partners, participants, and young artists.

The musical duo Hantrax creates a pulsating club vibe that brings the group together, while Nabou Claerhout’s trombone leads to the emotional inner world of the performers.

“With FRAMED, choreographer Karolien Verlinden gets a room full of rowdy teenagers to fall silent.”

FRAMED is an invitation, not a closed chapter. – Stampmedia

“Watching the theater piece, whether you find it good, bad, boring, or interesting, it stirs something.” Stay with your body – pzazz

“Here, the body is not only the object but primarily the subject of the performance. Even without speaking, it always participates.”


Directior/Choreography Karolien Verlinden
Choreography/Dance Margaux Cauliez (intern), Mick Galliot Fabré, Britt Lemmens, Adina Macpherson, Gytha Parmentier, and Arend Peeters
Live Music Nabou Claerhout and Hantrax
Dramaturgy Koen Haagdorens
Text Dramaturgy Tine Decraemer
Dramaturgy (intern) Lore Meesters
Scenography Ief Spincemaille
Costume Wim Muyllaert
Sound Design Bob Hermans
With the support of the Belgian Federal Government’s tax shelter measure via Casa Kafka

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hetpaleis/Karolien Verlinden
  • 12+
  • theater


  • Première
  • Locatie:Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
  • Datum:29 juni
  • Tijd: 19:30
  • Ticketprijs:11,95/18,95


Directior/Choreography Karolien Verlinden
Choreography/Dance Margaux Cauliez (intern), Mick Galliot Fabré, Britt Lemmens, Adina Macpherson, Gytha Parmentier, and Arend Peeters
Live Music Nabou Claerhout and Hantrax
Dramaturgy Koen Haagdorens
Text Dramaturgy Tine Decraemer
Dramaturgy (intern) Lore Meesters
Scenography Ief Spincemaille
Costume Wim Muyllaert
Sound Design Bob Hermans
With the support of the Belgian Federal Government’s tax shelter measure via Casa Kafka


  • Première
  • Locatie:Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
  • Datum:29 juni
  • Tijd: 19:30
  • Ticketprijs:11,95/18,95
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