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Het meisje huilende op een steen

Het kleine theater
  • 3+
  • theater
A cheerful, musical performance full of traditional Dutch songs and peculiar

A little girl crying on a stone, all alone, for hundreds of years… Suddenly, she’s had enough! She doesn’t like crying at all. Why is she stuck in such a sad song? If only she were in a happier song! When she expresses her wish, characters from other songs start appearing, one after another… until a prince suddenly stands before her. In the end, she’s anything but alone.

More information about the creators

Het Kleine Theater consists of Vimala and Anke, both actresses. After years of working with various theater companies, and appearing in various television productions and films, they started their own youth theater company in 2011.

Together they have been making theater for young and old for over 10 years now. There are 15 performances in their repertoire, all with lots of humor, beautiful music, and quirky characters. The performances are based on old stories, songs, or well-known fairy tales, with a unique twist, making it not s


Concept Anke Engels en Vimala Nijenhuis
Cast Anke Engels, Vimala Nijenhuis, Nina van Koppen en Lotte Vogel
Directors eye Vincent Rietveld
Sound design Richard Hakkenes

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Het meisje huilende op een steen

Het kleine theater
  • 3+
  • theater


  • Locatie:Fort Ruigenhoek
  • Datum:15 & 16 juni
  • Tijd:11:30 & 14:30
  • Ticketprijs:€ 6,95/€ 11,95


Concept Anke Engels en Vimala Nijenhuis
Cast Anke Engels, Vimala Nijenhuis, Nina van Koppen en Lotte Vogel
Directors eye Vincent Rietveld
Sound design Richard Hakkenes


  • Locatie:Fort Ruigenhoek
  • Datum:15 & 16 juni
  • Tijd:11:30 & 14:30
  • Ticketprijs:€ 6,95/€ 11,95
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