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Tweetakt primair onderwijs
©Jelmer de Haas

Primary Education

Whether you want toddlers to discover the theatre in a playful way or send senior-year students to view the artworks at Fort Ruigenhoek with specific questions: Tweetakt has it all. But you can also come to us if you’re looking for help staging a musical at your school.

The Tweetakt education process often consists of an introductory lesson at school and a visit to the festival. The lesson at school lasts approximately one hour; the theatre visit takes place during school hours. For the theatre visit you can choose between a show at Fort Ruigenhoek or in one of the Utrecht theatres. You can also go on a tour of the artworks at Fort Ruigenhoek.


Our experienced theatre tutors give the lesson at school. The content of these lessons is aligned with the visited performance or with the artworks at Fort Ruigenhoek depending on what you choose. They are dynamic lessons, with performance exercises that stimulate the senses. In this way the children learn to look and experience things actively.

Interaction is a central component of the visit to the fort. During their visit, students are encouraged to think about what they see and to reflect on it. The education process can be expanded with several theatre lessons in advance at school.

Practical information

The theatre lessons at school and the theatre visits take place in the summer and in September during the festival. We are flexible in scheduling our theatre lessons. We turn the festival visit into an experience that includes a warm welcome and a drink afterwards. Supervisors are always given free entrance.


Would you like to discuss the options? We are happy to help you out! Please contact Relinde Burgerhoudt via or phone 030-7116640.

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