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Interview requests and further information

For further information on Festival Tweetakt or to request any interviews, please contact Bram Merkx via or (030) 7116640.

About Tweetakt

Festival Tweetakt in Utrecht is an arts for all festival! Featuring theatre and dance shows, music, visual art, interactive installations and more. Made by talented young artists and more experienced ones, from Utrecht, the Netherlands and Belgium, but also from much further afield. And catering to all ages, from pre-schoolers to adolescents and to grandparents.

Tweetakt presents a wide range of theatre and dance shows – including premieres and reprises, Tweetakt productions and unique projects – in two temporary theatre venues on Fort Ruigenhoek, at Stadsschouwburg Utrecht and Theater Kikker, and elsewhere. Neude square also features live music on an almost daily basis. From indie to world music, from hiphop to modern classical and from danceable electronic music to singer-songwriters. Also on the square: a bistro and sidewalk café and several art installations.

Around the adventurous site of Fort Ruigenhoek in Groenekan, just North of the Overvecht district, Tweetakt presents an exhibition with exciting visual art works for all ages. The green surroundings of the fort form the backdrop of a jampacked route along big sculptures, interactive installations, video art and games, made by renowned artists as well as talented young makers. You can also see theatre and dance shows, screenings of documentaries for young audiences, and there is a big sidewalk café where you can enjoy food and drink.

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